Projects with this topic
My blog. Build with Hakyll, Tufte CSS, and some custom glue.
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Monorepo for Harrisburg's Great Dog Program
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A way to communicate generic records via REST api, using csv as encoding
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Support for non empty streams for the Streaming library
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Behavior driven development DSL for the Tasty testing framework
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Family of families for featherweight defunctionalization
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Transport-agnostic, minimalistic p2p network with focus on mathematical beauty and intuitiveness of both internal and external design
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Computational chemistry with multilayer fragment methods
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Advent of Code—now with even more languages!
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Jogo 2D do Tron feito na linguagem de programação funcional Haskell.
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mirror for
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Oats takes an API description in a subset of OpenAPI format and generates schemas, types and endpoint methods or functions. It relies on io-ts library for runtime validation, sparing front-end developers from tedious debugging caused for example by a bug on a back-end or a mismatching API version.
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Working examples of features included in the IHP Guide
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