Projects with this topic
Java API client for TestRail test case management system
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This is the python client for Optimyzer's API. Use it to conveniently run optimizations using Python code.
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Official Nekochat API client and model library for Rust (C bindings planned)
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O objetivo do projeto é criar um App de To do list do zero mostrando o processo de desenvolvimento usando Kotlin, uma das linguagens de programação de maior ascensão dos últimos anos.
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App Android para apresentar seu portfólio de projetos do GitHub de maneira elegante e simplificada.
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Configuration automatique de l'intégration Discord-Gitlab (pour les notifs)
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Using the API and PHP nuSOAP it will grab JSON formatted data from the API of an Irish car number plate and return data of the car such as the make, model, engine size, doors and other important vehicle information.
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PexelsApiClient its a Ruby wrapper for the Pexels API.
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A small workshop to introduce basic concepts of using Rust through the creation of a simple client to access the Rust repository.