Projects with this topic
A Kotlin-based Android app using MVVM, Retrofit, Dagger-Hilt, SharedPreferences, Glide, and OkHttp. It features login with API authentication, user registration, a home screen with a user list, profile management (update picture & details), and a settings page with logout & account deletion
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Android 1v1 multiplayer game based on Cookie Clicker, but with cats. Database and PhpMyAdmin server needed
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Adds a sweet set of dotfiles to your home directories
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pEAUtable permet de prédire le niveau de potabilité de l'eau de pluie et d’en informer l’utilisateur.
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🔥 👉 Installs the Betelgeuse Linux theme which styles a wide variety of display managers (among other things)🚀 Updated -
🚀 Installs Android Studio and sets up Android SDKs on nearly any OS🎟 Updated -
CVR Official App. Developed to be posted on google play.
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Dark blue theme for Android Studio with modified Darcula syntax coloring for a crisper look and feel.
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Applicazione Android Native, per la rendicontazione dei tirocinii universitari
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This Project Contain A Search With Edit Text, Recycler View And Json Endpoint