Projects with this topic
This project is a command-line-based banking system that simulates basic banking operations. The system reads user account information from a CSV file, allowing users to log in using their unique ID. Once logged in, users can perform transactions such as withdrawals, deposits, and transfers.
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C++ design patterns examples
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Features 3x Activities fashioned to enable a user to Create | Read | Update | and Delete weather information for cities. The weather information is acquired using a Weather REST API. Click each city for more and LongClick to remove a city from list.
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Advance Programming Project by Group 7 | AP - B
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A Szoftvertechnológia és Grafikus Felhasználói Felület Tervezése tárgyhoz tartozó laboranyagok.
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Thermometric Conversor made in Kotlin. Implementing Design Pattern Adapter.
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Implementação do padrão de projeto Adapter.
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Implementação do padrão de projeto Factory.
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Implementação do padrão de projeto Singleton.
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Implementação do padrão de projeto Strategy.
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