Projects with this topic
A better hardware description language.
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Hog (HDL-on-git) is a set of Tcl/Shell scripts plus a suitable methodology to handle HDL designs in a git repository. For more information, visit our documentation page:, or register to our newsletter:
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HACK CPU from course nand2tetris written in verilog with vga and ps/2 keyboard.
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Implementation of Intel8080 cpu written in verilog running spaceinvaders.
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USB 2.0 HS programmer for Lattice FPGA with JTAG or SPI.
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Z80 @10 MHz PoC for Altera Cyclone II and Cyclone IV (DE0-Nano board) FPGAs
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a fork of
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The soft core for the Ice Sea VR headset. Designed to be run on the FPGA of the headset mainboard
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Simple SDRAM test for Cyclone FPGA in VHDL
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AXIoE is a packet format and network protocol for executing ARM(R) AMBA(R) 4 AXI standard bus style memory transactions on a remote device connected through an Ethernet network.
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Using Yosys to synthesize a bitstream for a Lattice MachXO3 board
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FPGA HLS Kernel for SECP256K1 Signature Verification used as part of Baldur: A Hybrid Blockchain Database with FPGA or GPU Acceleration
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Various FPGA DSP-based arithmetic units such as adders, multipliers, etc on 24/32/64-bits using the DSP48E2 FPGA primitve
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CMake scripts for building FPGA/ASIC projects.
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Trusted Execution Environments On-Demand (TEEOD) is a novel Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) approach that leverages the reconfigurable logic of FPGAs to provide enhanced security for security-critical applications. Unlike traditional TEE implementations that rely on hardware extensions or dedicated security elements, TEEOD offers a more flexible and secure solution by dynamically creating and managing enclaves on-demand. Each enclave can be customized and includes a dedicated soft-core microcontroller (MCU), private memory, security services, and means to communicate with the regular execution environment (REE).
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Using containerized FlexLM license managers as systemd service units for serving FPGA/ASIC EDA software licenses that can be also used in CI/CD flow.