Projects with this topic
Página de web para Invitaciones Digitales.
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Supperclub is an iOS app focused on fostering meaningful connections and sharing experiences among users. Currently it supports 1-1/Group chats and video sessions. 1-1 audio session is also supported.
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Last update: 17/02/2023. En este proyecto decidí realizar un e-commerce sobre productos de cosmética desarrollado con la libreria de React JS. En cuanto al estilado de la página lo realicé completamente con CSS puro.
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This is my SEM 6 project. Which helps users to find their lost things, with the help of community.
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Aplicacion de administracion de TuCambistaOnline, se procesan las transacciones realizadas en la aplicacion de compra/venta de dolares. Se administra los maestros.
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Playing on the network tic-tac-toe using Firebase Firestore.
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A mobile app implemented with Flutter An app for buying / selling services or products. with chatting feature. The backend is Firebase:
Firebase authentication. Cloud Firestore as a real-time database Firebase Storage to store images and attachmentsUpdated