Projects with this topic
A class to easily place data in DOM and update them immediately upon change. It has no dependencies. It is similar to Angular, Vue, ReactJS and alike frameworks and shares some similarities with JQuery.
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Esta actividad consiste en crear un juego interactivo de RPSLS (Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock) utilizando JavaScript, HTML y CSS. Los usuarios pueden enfrentarse a la máquina en emocionantes partidas, siguiendo las reglas detalladas del juego.
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Sapience supports language learning by giving to one's vocabulary a storage space connected to learning modules for long-term memorization.
Learning is all the more natural as it is (1) personalized, by storing actively one's own vocabulary, (2) visual, through the association of images constituting a personal mental representation, (3) iterative, by spaced repetition according to the needs of memory reactivation based on the SuperMemo 2 algorithm.
The development of Sapience is motivated by a taste for words and their semantic richness. From unwritten patois and dialects to literary turns of phrase and poetry, the plurality and diversity of languages constitute a fascinating heritage in perpetual transformation.
Live version deployed on:
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Sistema de control de stock de farmacias para hospitales públicos argentinos. Desarrollado con HTML, PHP, CSS, JS, SQL y otros lenguajes.
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