Projects with this topic
EPUB-Editor written with JavaFX 11
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WakkenIJsberenPenguins opdracht voor de module "Objectgeoriënteerd Programmeren" aan de Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim
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Projecte desenvolupat pels instituts Rambla Prim (Barcelona) i Eugeni d'Ors (Vilafranca del Penedès) guardonat amb l'ajuda de la III Convocatòria d'ajudes a la formació professional per part de la Fundació FPEmpresa - Dualiza Bankia.
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A JavaFX app for tagging audio files
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Real Estate Application using Java and JavaFX to manage properties and tenants.
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Projektarbeit – cimdata – Java Grundkurs:
Desktopanwendung (JavaFX) für Text-Adventure mit nachempfundener Konsolenausgabe und Steuerung per Buttons. Textanimation per Timeline usw.
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Projektarbeit – cimdata – Java Aufbaukurs:
Desktopanwendung (JavaFX) mit Datenbankanbindung, die quasi das Prinzip von Tinder aufgreift. Die Datenbank wird mir Fake-Usern von befüllt. Likes und Dislikes werden in DB aktualisiert.
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Order Management System prepared for the Programming Techniques Course, in the 2nd year, 2nd semester.
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Multi-threaded Queue Simulator prepared for the Programming Techniques Course, in the 2nd year, 2nd semester.
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Polynomial Calculator with GUI prepared for the Programming Techniques course, in the 2nd year, 2nd semester.
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This is a game engine written in Java and using the OpenJFX project for graphics. This project first started as a college semester project and is now a community project that is fully open-source.
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Play in a complex and challenging RPG that is community driven, represented in a 2D world .
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Client server system for playing go games with bot or other player.
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Coffee Shop Interface for imaginary Coffee Shop called CoffeeZone. Created using Java, JavaFX and contains SQL Database to retain log ins and coffee products.
Made by Daniel Lam 1932789 and Grigor Mihaylov 1937997
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A dynamic geometry java application to visualize the Rectilinear Convex Hull of a planar point set