Projects with this topic
Revisiting ORM Yet Again - putting attention back to the problem of entity mapping with the primary goal being simplicity and composability from basic primitives
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Proyecto de Java en el que se desarrolla el juego de "La caza del tesoro" utilizando los siguientes patrones de diseño: Factory method, Abstract factory, Adapter, Decorator y Observer. JDBC para base de datos.
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Ejemplo básico de utilización de JDBC: conexión y ejecución de sentencias.
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A code generation platform for java
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Projeto criado para estudar e mensurar a performance de persistência em banco de dados O principal objetivo é fazer um Benchmark entre os tipos de persistência, abaixo temos os métodos abordados de persistência. JDBC / Hiberte + JPA / Spring Boot Data
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Course 2 of 3: Java Intermediate.
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My JDBC + MySQL codes created during 08-9.09.23
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The UserDetailsManager interface extends the UserDetailsService and adds the behavior related to creating, changing, or deleting a user
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Curricular component of Programming II at IFRS: musical instruments store application developed with ReactJS and Spring Boot
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Simple Spring MVC application with jdbc postgres and thymeleaf. Without hibernate, Boot and others
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DoFrame is a java framework or ORM that let you to access Database by using Genericdao. The main Goal was to combine it with DAO,Service,MVC Architecture.
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thist project has three branch with no itend of mergeing. Evry branch represent different way of configuration of DataSource and Jdbc Driver
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Ejemplo de un pool de conexiones con JDBC en Java, utilizando librerías de apache.
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Ejemplo de Java con JBDC aplicando solid.
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Ejemplo de Java con acceso a datos utilizando JDBC. Transacciones con JDBC.
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Ejemplo de conexión a bases de datos con java y jdbc.
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