Projects with this topic
A Kotlin-based Android app using MVVM, Retrofit, Dagger-Hilt, SharedPreferences, Glide, and OkHttp. It features login with API authentication, user registration, a home screen with a user list, profile management (update picture & details), and a settings page with logout & account deletion
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An extension for Retrofit to provide a subjectively cleaner interface and utilities.
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Project all you canteen android. Aplikasi mobile untuk melakukan transaksi di kantin Telkom University. Sistem payment yang diimplementasikan adalah "Pay at table"
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exemple de connexions à une API par Retrofit, récupération en Rx et affichage dans un recyclerview
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This is an example Android project. It is implemented using Jetpack Compose and MVI. It retrieves the title, cover image, and description of a comic from the marvel API, and displays it to the user.
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exemple de connexions à une API par Retrofit, récupération en Rx et affichage dans un recyclerview
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This project was given to me as an Assignment wherein I made an app that takes a list of mobile products which I needed to fetch through an API and shows them in a recycler view and when a user selects a product, it goes to a cart i.e, stored in a room database and then when user clicks checkout button in cart it show a progress bar in next screen and finally Product is Purchased in next screen.
I implemented MVVM architecture, LiveData, Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit, Room Database in this project.
I have imported this project from my GitHub -
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Kotlin android applications to get most starred github repos from github api using mvvm and rx
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Proyecto desarrollo en Android de aplicación Gratiferia para intercambio de objectos en forma gratuita. Consumo de servicio api, firebase y retrofit.
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