Operating Systems
Projects with this topic
This repository contains the fundamental scripts for the concepts of Operating Systems for the B.Tech Computer Science course at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
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This Docker image provides a minimal Debian 12 setup with systemd, OpenSSH, and essential tools for containerized environments. It is ideal for running applications requiring systemd inside a container. The image is lightweight, secure, and ready to be customized for various use cases.
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Open Educational Resources explaining the basics of IT systems in a bottom-up approach, from computer architecture over operating systems to cloud infrastructures
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OER presentations for a course on Operating Systems at the Department of Information Systems at WWU Münster following a book by Max Hailperin.
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V.OS - A UNIX-like Multitasking, Multiuser Operating System for microcontrollers.
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Using pthreads to implement matrix multiplication: 1- A thread for each element 2- A thread for each row and comparing the performance of the 2 different methods.
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Each merge-sort call with a new subarray is a new thread
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CSE 30341 Operating System Principles (Fall 2019) - Project 02 (Process Queue Shell)
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The Zenith Operating System is a modern, professional fork of the 64-bit Temple Operating System, designed to survive societal collapse. https://zenithos.org
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This project is a part of Operating Systems course Taught in university of Tehran. The main Idea is to use locks to solve a synchronization problem in a multi threaded scheme.
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This project is a part of Operating Systems course Taught in University of Tehran. The main Idea is to implement an ensemble linear classifier using multiprocessing scheme.