Projects with this topic
V.OS - A UNIX-like Multitasking, Multiuser Operating System for microcontrollers.
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An embedded web server that runs on the ESP32 platform.
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HydroNexa adalah sistem monitoring dan kontrol hidroponik otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler ESP32 yang terintegrasi dengan platform data InfluxDB. Sistem ini dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan tanaman dengan memantau dan mengendalikan parameter lingkungan seperti pH, konsentrasi nutrisi (TDS), dan pencahayaan. Data sensor dikumpulkan secara real-time dan dikirim ke InfluxDB untuk visualisasi dan analisis lebih lanjut. HydroNexa bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, produktivitas, dan kemudahan dalam budidaya tanaman hidroponik.
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Raster fonts creating, editing, preview and generating C code to include into embedded software project
Создание и редактирование растровых шрифтов, предпросмотр образцов текста, генерирование кода C
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A tool to display pinouts for various (hopefully every* eventually) microcontrollers, connectors, dev boards, etc. Very much a work in progress both code and lack of pinouts available
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A 32-bit microcontroller ISA with 16-bit fixed width instructions and vector operations
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MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems
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Proyecto para regar de forma autónoma plantas utilizando un sensor de humedad para el suelo
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Database-Application to keep track of your pcb's, sbc, microcontrollers, activators, sensors, components, shields, hats, power supplies, cases, etc. Dev. see
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Einfache Projekte für den Calliope Mini.
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Programming framework for microcontrollers based on a V-like language. This is written in V using the same V's self-compiler and implementing a small subset of the V language thought of memory space optimization
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Various controllers for home projects and decorations.
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Implementation of a simple arcade game for the intel 8051 micro controller written in assambly.
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Programming framework for microcontrollers based on a V-like language. This is developed in Python using Lark module.
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Ejemplo 1 PIC CCS para los microcontroladores 12F675, 16F627a (28a), 16F886 (87), 18f2550 (4550)
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Sokae is a Rust-like programming language for microcontrollers. Sokae is transpiled to the microcontrollers' native C.
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A MicroPython library for controlling reading and debouncing pushbutton inputs, including "short" and "long" press callbacks
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Simple timer library for microcontrollers / embedded systems