Projects with this topic
Projects collection (one Eclipse workspace) for STM32 MCU.
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TouchGFX demo using a NUCLEO-F446RE board and a 128x64 pixel monochrome OLED with an SH1106 driver over SPI.
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CMake project with code examples for a Blue-Pill (STM32F103C8) using libopencm3 and FreeRTOS. Upload can be done by using st-flash from texane/stlink
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CMake project with code examples for a Blue-Pill (STM32F103C8) using libopencm3. Upload can be done by using st-flash from texane/stlink
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A keyboard numpad and a calculator in the same box
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An open source, Nintendo 64 cartridge and save file reader with a focus on clean structure and documentation
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LEM speech recognition device, designed for Signal Processing lecture.
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Electronic Device Control library for microcontroller applications
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Automatic light with a STM32, PIR AM312 sensor and a photo-resistor.
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A custom controller built with libopencm3, running on the Bluepill board.
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C++ Hardware Abstraction Library for STM32 and other ARM microcontrollers
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Starting with ST's line of 32bit CPUs? Then this might be of interest to you. It's a barebone project that evolves over time to showcase bits and bobs within the system. It's NOT arduino, but proper ST CubeIDE programming on STM32F103C8T6 Bluepill...
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