Projects with this topic
A mpr121 rust implementation for the embedded-hal family.
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The main database of the French National Health Data System (SNDS) contains data from Health Insurance reimbursements, hospital treatment and medical causes of death. In order to characterise its use for health research and innovation, an interactive cartography has been produced to understand the framework of its use and to identify the stakeholders of the SNDS ecosystem. A bibliographic search via PubMed (available here), LiSSa, HAL was conducted to identify scientific articles published starting January 2007 on studies using SNDS data. The list of authors, their affiliations, keywords, the number of citations and much more were collected. A descriptive analysis was carried out in order to assess temporal and geographical trends in the use of SNDS main database. The graphs where generated with networkx, a python package used for the creation manipulation and study of complex networks. To generate the Author/Affiliations graphs we first create the adjacency matrix between the Authors/Affiliations and the article PMIDs. We then use the networkx.Graph class to create the needed undirected graphs, using the adjacency matrices as the data to intialize the graphs.
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An arduino_hal (hardware abstraction layer) tool using the Arduino Nano that counts in binary using the LEDs.
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PlatformIO wrapper for a GDLib HAGL HAL implementation
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API utiles pour HAL pour la gestion du portail HAL-ENS
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Node.js REST API made with fastify and Mongodb using HAL as a hypermedia type
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C++ Hardware Abstraction Library for STM32 and other ARM microcontrollers
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This is a program written using HAL to generate a variable duty cycle PWM signal.
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Прошивка для микроконтроллера на базе STM32F103C8T6 на базе HAL. Поддержка 16 реле, UART, I2C, CAN
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HAL STM32Cube drivers for all stm32 series with unnecessary files stripped (only needed c files left)
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Goal is to make libraries in C++ on higher abstraction level (HAL), to measure voltage, current, frequency, temperature, preassure... with any sensor that comes on my mind. Project will contain libraries (L/MAL) to peripheries of MCU from TI.