Spring MVC
Projects with this topic
Course 3 of 3: Advanced Java.
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Forum Management System with Spring MVC
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Simple Spring MVC application with jdbc postgres and thymeleaf. Without hibernate, Boot and others
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This project is a example a junit test with mockito
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Spring boot template for learning easily and RAD
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Extra project for Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Validation & Thymeleaf
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• Real estate website using SOAP, REST, and XML/HTTP technologies. Designed and developed C# components for implementing business logic in 3-tier application interacting with SQL Server database using managed provider and ADO.NET
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COMP2913 Software Engineering Group Project. Responsive Gym website which allows users to search classes, check availability and book sessions. It also has admin page/login which allows to add/remove/alter classes available.
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Es un gestor documental de notas relacionadas a la cocina, con esta aplicación el usuario podrá guardar y consultar documentos, enlaces web, imágenes o texto. Por medio de OCR la información es procesada para futuras búsquedas potentes.
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Scaffolding for Spring-based web applications.
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