Projects with this topic
An addon installer for Left 4 Dead 2 that will let you use them on official versus/scavenge servers
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Mirror of QuestSystem --
📜 A simple yet powerful quest system for Godot 4Updated -
Add-ons by 3DMish (Mish7913) for Blender.
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World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic addon for tracking the deaths of your characters.
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Godot plugin that, alongside the Rabid Hole Punch Server, allows peer to peer communication via UDP Hole Punching between devices that are behind NAT
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Tools to your modifiers and preset settings
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All things Ashita. I do not retain the rights to any included code.
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Firefox browser addon that change youtube's URL into youtube-nocookie's URL for better privacy.
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Tools to work with Unreal Engine on Blender
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Русифицированные расширения и библиотеки для RInform
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Blender Addons, bridge between Substance and Blender.
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Converts releases into a git repo
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This Blender Addon enables a quick way to create one UV Layout for multiple objects.
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Anubía openerp-addons customizations Project to gather module customizations of other OpenERP addons (maybe even our own), usually minor changes for specific cases. This is a WIP branch. Stable in: