Projects with this topic
Infocom-style interactive fiction player for Unix and DOS
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A collection of definitions for sexual and sensual interactions.
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A digital escape game where you embody someone who is being chased. But who chases you and for what reasons?
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An interface to implement gardening capabilities under Inform 7.
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Ztools, the Infocom Toolkit
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An interactive noisemaker in Inform6
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A Python 3 library for declaratively creating text adventure games, based on Bazel syntax. This may in the future evolve to similarly eliminate the Python runtime. Then, maybe, compile to WASM or something.
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A Raku – the fork of Perl – module to script interactive stories for UNIX command-line interface
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A Z-Machine interpreter for playing for Infocom games and other Z-machine games, in pure client-side JavaScript.
Updated - (ifm-5.4.tar.gz, latest released version) fails to compile on GCC 10.1.0, this repo "fixes" the problem to allow compile and install to go through
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Godot project and code for the viewer and the story of Mansion Atkins game
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Русифицированные расширения и библиотеки для RInform
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Текстовая игра в жанре interactive fiction, в которой вам предстоит взять под управление робота-помощника, и выяснить что произошло на борту первого межзвездного космического корабля "Рассвет".
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Пре-альфа движка для roguelike / interactive fiction на QBasic'е
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Ruby parser for IFDB. Extracts latest games.