Projects with this topic
The GigaMesh Software Framework is a modular software for display, editing and visualization of 3D-data typically acquired with structured light scanning (SLS) or structure from motion (SfM).
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Archaeology into an extremely well-respect (but almost entirely uncommented) body of code responsible for much of the Internet's email handling and some of its DNS system.
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Website of Arbeitskreis Archäologische Wissenschaften e. V.
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The radiocarbon (14C) calibration software of the IOSA project
This is just a mirror, the official repository is at
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Repository for live storage of source data for the database of archaeological surveys. See for the website version. Errors, corrections and expansions of dataset welcome as Issues or Merge Requests.
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Repository for data from the Survey of Mediterranean Surveys and New Project contributions, with scripts in R used to generate publication figures for JARE article (by Alex Knodell, Toby Wilkinson, Thomas Leppard, Hector Orengo).
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Présentation à la réunion de lancement du Groupe d'Archéologie Computationnelle (29 novembre 2021, Pessac). Voir le diapo en ligne.
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(Auto-)Undistort images with the Lensfun and OpenCV.
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