Projects with this topic
An insane project for lighting your mood.
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Connects a HD44780 compatible display via serial to your computer. The linux tool lcdproc can show statistics on the display (see picture).
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A project using a Node ESP8266 to turn on and off a led, with a user friendly dashboard.
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HanRun Ethernet Shield with SPI SS for SD-card on Pin 4 (Arduino Uno) as Webserver. DHCP Client, LCD 16x2, relais (5) and LDR (A2) sensor added. Handle htm, md, png, css, ico and js via SD read. Switch relais via web, LDR sensor read via ajax.
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Build your own bicycle tacho with arduino pro mini, TM1637 LED Display (4digits, 7 segments) and a hall effect sensor 49E 822 8G.
Code is for km/h - nothing more!
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Lightweight State Machine for Arduino IOT projects. Allows running several parallel machines. Based on JSON configuration, so can be updated by uploading new configuration to your ESP module by Wifi.
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It implements a char print for important ASCII chars with 19 lines a 30 characters on 152x152 eInk display.
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Experimental Phased Clock Generator (XPCG) is an Arduino Due application for controlling a phased array of clock signals via the 5P49V60 clock generator IC with per-channel delay control in the sub-1ns regime.
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A small Arduino RTOS that I made for my Operating Systems class
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Independent Driving software for Elegoo Smart Robot Car Kit V1
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Arduino-Projekt zum Messen der Luftgüte mittels des MQ-135 Sensors und Anzeige über eine RGB-LED ob Lüften notwendig ist.
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A little Arduino Sketch to annoy people using a speaker connected to any Arduino compatible board.
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A ESP8266 MQTT Weather Station based on the OEM Version of Sparkfuns "Weather Sensors"