Projects with this topic
Cher is a configurable fetcher based on the native fetch API.
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This is a very simple AJAX example, printing some text from a text file into an HTML element and shows it on screen.
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Phoenix_School_System is a web-based educational platform built with Laravel and AJAX, designed to facilitate online English examinations for students. The system empowers teachers to create, manage, and evaluate English tests efficiently, providing a seamless experience for both educators and students.
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Aplikasi ini dapat membantu sekolah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dalam pengelolaan absensi siswa dan membuat proses absensi lebih mudah dan efektif.
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This is my first project where I implement everything I've learned so far into one, single, custom designed website. This is a library/book rating website where users can check out new books, create accounts, rate books, leave comments and see other users comments and ratings.
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Projet de fin de semestre réalisé dans le cadre du cours de M2 IM Techniques Web du master pluriTAL à l'INALCO. Ce projet consiste en la création d'un site internet exploitant différentes techniques du web (FastAPI, HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery, Ajax) pour la traduction automatique et la détection de langues. Les modèles permettant la détection de la langue ont été entraîné en local sur machine ultérieurement dans un cours du M1 pluriTAL. Pour la traduction automatique, c'est le package python deep-translators qui a été utilisé.
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HyperGlossary capability prototype (originally for Doug@50).
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Radial tree + graph visualization of Web page interlinking + simple Web crawler.
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Trabajo final de 4 integrantes de Desarrollador Web Inicial con Argentina Programa. Esto contiene HTML, CSS y JS
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Ambiente de desarrollo para plataforma web de homebor
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Изучаем сетевые запросы
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Delivery application to connect the end user with cafes around his area with haversine formula to calculate the zone and get the near cafe around his place
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Cliente html con jquery para consumir api de productos
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Ugly hack to send a e-mail to several addressees automatically.
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React Weather Application was made using create-react-app as demo project by Daria Nahorna. The application shows a current weather info, todays and 6-day forecast.
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This is a project where I used such technologies as Bootstap, AJAX and OpenWeather API.
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First time experience in developing a 3 Layers Application