Projects with this topic
NuttX Build Logs for NuttX Build Farm
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The initial start. I plan to explore jujutsu for version control, rust, zig, swift, and some UI frameworks. I want to maintain multi-architecture compatibility, and target an assortment of microcontrollers and PCs. For realtime, I would like to look at the ACRN project again, but also will likely lean on both Xenomai and QNX.
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A simple collaborative scheduler for executing several independent pseudo-tasks, all of them with same priority.
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Template repository for creating embedded software with C++ in real time environment. Provides a setup of libraries and quality control tools.
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C++OS, a minimal preemptive RTOS based on C++ Standard interface
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This project is a simulation of parking sensor signalization system using MaxSonar transducers and piezo buzzer wit Raspberry Pi Pico and RT-Thread operating system.
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NOT RTOS. Periodic Tasks driven by SysTick on Cortex-M STM32.
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A small Arduino RTOS that I made for my Operating Systems class
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An embedded operating system with a novel system interface and no external dependencies.
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A simple small RTOS for AVR8 arch which is capable to run multiple process in parallel with custom heap management written in C and ASM. Everything based on the dynamic memory allocation and every feature is pure experimental.