Projects with this topic
A ESP8266 MQTT Weather Station based on the OEM Version of Sparkfuns "Weather Sensors"
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Arduino + HTML website Open source demo application to show how it works
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This library provides a simple provisioning workflow for your Wifi Nina compatible Arduino device.
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A prototype firmware core for RC control
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Single-sensor autonomous weather data recorders
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Building a wireless driveway alarm using a magnetometer. Works like a vehicle loop detector without oscillators or large buried coils. Detects only large metal objects, no false alarms from people, deer, birds, wind, etc.
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This project documents the design, fabrication, and programming of a 24V 500W+ Motor Driver for a Brushed DC Motor.
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PyRadarV0.1 es una inteface para visualizar la posición de un objeto localizado por un sensor ultrasonico HC-SR04 y un servomotor.
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My CPU / Microcontroller
Experiments on building a processing unit. Arduino Nano for test patterns on ICs.
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A prototype to know family-units' water consumption using IoT, time-series databases, and visualization software. This project aims to understand how we use water to reduce our footprint as a way to help against climate change.
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An ESP32 development board based RO Plant flow and energy monitoring system.
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HiFiLOGIX is a project to add logic control to various vintage receivers through the use of relays and motorized potentiometers.
This project was formally known as Denon PMA-770 Arduino Control.
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A long range, peer-to-peer communication system based on lasers.
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. Inspiration: Sonic Runway, Burning Man 2016.
. First project with Arduino -
. The latest version uses esp8266 and has a web-server interface for changing patterns.
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Wrapper library for use with the ESP8266 to allow for easier usage of promiscuous mode
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ELK + Arduino (MQ-2 and DHT11) for monitoring humidity, temperature and gas.
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AC powered relay control board using Lora radios. Turn on lights, heaters or whatever else you need at a distance.