Projects with this topic
Installs and configures my development environment on Arch Linux and Mac OS
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A Bash-it theme for Google Cloud Shell
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Scrape a jpg from a popular Picture of the Day site and set it as my background
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My Hal-9000 System Information Script. Current Version: v.1.3.2... is a script that will produce a output in the terminal and create a system_name.stat file in the user /Home Directory.
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A ToolKit that automatically installs & configures all the Tools needed to turn your Daily Driver Linux Distro into a Pentesting Machine
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Allows you to automatically create letsencrypt certificates with certbot when using TransIP for your domains DNS
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Anihead is a bash script for generating pairs of japanese surnames and names
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POSIX script to CHange Ownership and Permissions of files and directories in POSIX-based systems.
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bootstraping script to setting up my desktop workstation (fedora supported)
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mkopus: Convert audio formats supported by ffmpeg to the compact audio format opus.
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Bash script for realtime monitoring of a source, mpd, and alsa.
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SpectrWm Manual Binary Build / Manual Install in Mint 20 so Future Updates of the binary can be easily implement without the use of the SpectrWm's Repo's. I did this 1 year ago. I have redesigned the repo on 06/06/2022
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Some CodinGame challenges, seperated by language.
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A bash script that can convert txt to wav using the all powerful
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My CentOS desktop installation for a professional use
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XBT is a program that makes keeping all of your user data safely backed up on a dedicated External USB drive easy.