Projects with this topic
Fork from the acme-companion repository to use certbot instead and hence use the dns-01 challenge as an option.
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Send DNS requests from PiHole over HTTPS with Traefik 3.x
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Automatically generate/renew Let's Encrypt certificates with Certbot on NameSilo DNS
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Dockerized nginx reverse proxy.
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This Makefile provides a convenient interface for Certbot, allowing the generation of Let's Encrypt SSL certificates
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Ansible build of Netbox using Certbot, Letsencrypt, Cloudflare and DNS01
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A Simple Ansible Playbook for setting up a RKE2 Cluster + Let's Encrypt Cluster Issuer / TLS + Rancher Installation
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Provides a Docker image that can be used to renew LetsEncrypt SSL certificates on the Hetzner server infrastructure
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Allows you to automatically create letsencrypt certificates with certbot when using TransIP for your domains DNS
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With docker, Traefik, and SSL
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An Example CI/CD project with Helm and auto LetsEncrypt for Kubernetes cluster
This repository contains a Go programs of a web server that answers the question: "Is Go 1.x out yet?"
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A minimal tutorial to create and run an Telegram inline Bot with Golang.
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My personal project to learn about deploying stuff using pipelines, docker and other cool things. I will try to keep it organized, but I can't promise any miracles :)
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Manage elliptic & RSA TLS/SSL keys for web servers using Let's Encrypt.
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Easy deploy HAProxy with Letsencrypt in Docker.
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MySB (MySeedBox) is more than a simplified installation script of a multi-users Seedbox. There are many solutions to install a Seedbox, but we never talk about safety and regular operations. MySB could be renamed MySSB (MySecuredSeedBox).
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Convenient, configurable container for creating and updating Let's encrypt certificates and redirecting to named targets.
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Setup LetsEncrypt certificates with lego