Projects with this topic
My .zshrc and all the plugins and little scripts that I use with it.
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The Mini Esoteric (or MESO) project is a collection of odds-n-ends Unix scripts written by Gabriel T. Sharp. They range from very esoteric (machine-specific) to general purpose (usable by anyone). Some of the more useful scripts are outlined in, where you can find out more information. Scripts are mostly ZSH and PERL5, but there are a few SH, BASH, and other shell scripts mixed in along with some support files which are data-only files that support certain scripts. These can only be used in Windows if you use the Linux subsystem or cygwin since they rely a root devfs, procfs, and tmpfs to be present.
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Un script avancé d’audit de sécurité et de pentesting alliant furtivité, détection adaptative, intelligence de vulnérabilités et analyses OS pour une évaluation réseau exhaustive. Conçu pour les professionnels, il allie automatisation et précision pour répondre aux environnements les plus complexes.
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Remote shell over stdio posing as basic pnet tunnel process
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spm is a package manager for Linux written in POSIX shell
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Use GitLab Duo and AI to refactor Shell scripts (Bash, SH, ZSH)
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A wrapper for su that enables a sudo-like syntax for applications and scripts hardcoded to use sudo, or those who prefer sudo's syntax but don't like its approach to security and user management.
Written solely in POSIX shell.
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a command-line interface for Reddit written in POSIX sh
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Extremely simple LaTeX template tool
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Shell related part of .files separated for ease of update
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Scripts independientes para tareas específicas. Se ordenan por función/objetivo. Sistemas Operativos obejtivo Debian stable y Fedora stable, esto no quita que puedan ser utilizados o adaptados ligeramente para otros.
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a light, customizable, penguin-themed shell script to display hardcoded system information or greet the user.
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Supermatic is a simple HTTP server I wrote just for fun as Bourne Shell script
Updated - - (ASCII Menu) - Simplified vintage looking user interface elements for shell
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I don't want to server or desktop setup every-time anymore. Personal Installer.
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[github mirror] shtst - simple cli testing