Projects with this topic
Bibtexendum is a utility script to manage a .bib file with a focus on astrophysics (ADS+arXiv). Bibtexendum automatically cleans entries, creates tags, manages the PDF library, produces a web page with filters and links to PDFs...
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checkcites is a Lua script written for the sole purpose of detecting undefined/unused references from LaTeX auxiliary or bibliography files.
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A few BitTex style files I created a long time ago.
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A (hopefully growing) collection of bibliography entries.
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A fully open source, always-free citation generator: (frontend)
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Bibtexendum is a python script to manage a bibtex file with an associated PDF library. It also enables a dynamic webpage to browse/search the library based on bibtex fields and a webpage for searching within PDFs using recoll.
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A hairy and unfinished program for automatic fetching of bibliography entries online, going through their references and citations and generating dependency graphs.
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CURRENTLY IN BETA. Citation plugin for the Eleventy (11ty) static site generator.
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Document preparation templates and scripts.
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Scientific bibliography for concrete5's website, using Express module, displaying links to inlines PDF and web url's
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BibLaTeX style for the Journal of Physics Conference Series. Intended to behave like the provided BibTeX style 'iopart-num.bst'.
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A python script to adapt the format the journal names and page numbers of a bibtex file.