Projects with this topic
The Siril image processing software for amateur astronomy
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This library provides a set of high precision date and time classes covering a large time span. The library is implemented in C++, Python and Java
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Pyxel is a general detector simulation framework ( An easy-to-use framework that can simulate a variety of imaging detector effects combined on images (e.g. radiation and optical effects, noises) made by CCD or CMOS-based detectors.
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LensMC - Weak lensing shear measurement with forward modelling and MCMC sampling
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CASCADe: Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data
This package provides the functionality to calibrate and fit the light-curves of transiting exoplanets, using the causal connections within the data to remove systematic noise.
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Mirror of the main Gaia Sky repository hosted on Codeberg:
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A two-channel deconvolution method with Starlet regularization. The code also features a PSF reconstruction algorithm.
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Measure Correlations: package to extract clustering statistics (correlation function) from astrophysical and cosmological samples
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Open Source Photometer
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pySiriL ( python SiriL) is a python library to interface python to a SiriL script.
pySiriL ( python SiriL) est une librairie python pour interfacer python au langage de script de SiriL.
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SiriLic (Siril's Interactive Companion) is a software that prepares acquisition files (RAW, Offset, Flat and Dark) for processing with the SiriL software.
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Aurora Borealis visibility alert bot for Mastodon. Available at
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A simple planetary orbit simulator, written in the C language
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This is a copy of the CIAO threads, , converted to jupyter notebooks using the bash kernel.
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Rust implementation of Sky-Watcher's SnyScan protocol over Wi-Fi.