Projects with this topic
Bootdisks and Linux images for SBCs and TV boxes.
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Dependency-free, suckless bootable disk image creator
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"Das U-Boot" Source Tree with many Tegra 20/30/114 devices support
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A bootloader project for (currently) the RK3399 SoC.
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Makes GRUB to automatically figure out its optimal configuration
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Based on Serial Flash from usedbytes, still a Work in Progress
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My Operating System written in C/C++ & x86 Assembly
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Bootloader for SeeSat-1's CDHS based on RODOS
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Bootstrapper for SeeSat-1's Engineering Model based on TI's RM57L843
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This is a CAN Bootloader for the Raspberry Pi Pico. Work in Progress
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U-Boot bootloader helper scripts
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alma is a toy kernel written in C++ for x86_64 machines with the mere purpose of learning OS development
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Simple Tool to install a NMHW Firmware Package on the console.
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Demo projects for NUCLEO-H743ZI and NUCLEO-H743ZI2 boards.
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A Simple Bootloader over UART for S32K144 using the evaluation board S32K144-EVB.
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pic32mm0256gpm064 bootloader to AN1388 an software compatible. bootloader USB HID Bootloader placement in program Flash memory 0x9d030000 and app on 0x9d000000 IN project pic32blink-Main add this project ( properties ->loading MCC32_BOOTL)