Projects with this topic
Create a presigned URL and email to users so that they can download a processed file.
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I have started learning Python and automation with Boto3. It has a few scripts that demonstrate basic AWS automation tasks using the Boto3 library. These examples provide insight how Python can be used to automate cloud operations and manage AWS resources.
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Python Panamá Meetup Vol 41 Usando Servicios Administrados de AI de AWS con Python y Boto3
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Meetup PyMX Septiembre 2023 Usando Servicios Administrados de AI de AWS con Python y Boto3
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IndyPy Talk 2023-02-14: Using AWS Artificial Intelligence services with Python
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Plática "Python en la Nube: Automatizando la operación de AWS con Boto3" durante la PyCon Chile el 2022-12-04
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Plática "Python en la Nube: Automatizando la operación de AWS con Boto3" para la PyCon Latam 2022 del 2022-08-26
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Whizlabs' "How to use Boto3 with AWS" Webinar on 2021-09-05.
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A Cloud Guru Discord Discourse Using Python and Boto3 to Automate AWS Operations Friday, July 2nd 16:00 CDT
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Automating AWS with Python: The Easy Way To The Cloud
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openSeSSHIAMe allows SSH access to an instance behind the great AWS firewall (security group for the instance) for authorized IAM users.
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Python library to help launching a fleet of Spot instances within AWS infrastructure