Projects with this topic
Dockerized simple Nginx app, Gitlab CI pipeline push changes into CodeCommit repo, complete CI/CD is realised by AWS CodePipeline service: code source stored in CodeCommit, build realised by CodeDeploy and use ECR and S3 services, deployment is realised by CodeDeploy service and uses ECS service. SNS service is used for sending email notifications about CodePipeline status.
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Create a Cloudformation template to deploy the website, using ASG, launch Template and Load balancer The cloudformation template should create the following resources:
An autoscaling Launch Template with the appropriate userdata script and instance profile
Autoscaling group with a desired capacity of 2 and the minimum capacity of 1, maximum capacity should be 3.
Load balancer to handle the traffic to the instances in the autoscaling group
The cloudformation Template will reference multiple VPCs, subnets, keypairs and can assume any I am role. to aid multiple deployments.
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Terraform, AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline and CodeDeploy working together.