Projects with this topic
GoLang library to effectively use the same code to Publish and Subscribe accross any of these cloud providers: AWS, GCP and Azure, i.e., write cloud agnostic code when it comes to PubSub. Will be adding functionality to provide cloud agnostic methods for Queue and extending existing methods to provide far more customizable options corresponding to each cloud's SDK
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This exercise guides you through the process of creating an event-driven application using Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Simple Queuing Service (SQS). The steps involve checking out a Git repository, building a Maven project, and running multiple instance of the application locally.
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A database of hashtags freely available under the Open Database License (ODbL).
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[Freezed] Tabletop game partner search helper
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Privacy-oriented webpage share buttons.
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Dockerized simple Nginx app, Gitlab CI pipeline push changes into CodeCommit repo, complete CI/CD is realised by AWS CodePipeline service: code source stored in CodeCommit, build realised by CodeDeploy and use ECR and S3 services, deployment is realised by CodeDeploy service and uses ECS service. SNS service is used for sending email notifications about CodePipeline status.
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Formulario per l'esame di Complementi di Meccanica Classica - 1° anno SNS
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Formule e fatti utili per il corso di Sagnotti
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Appunti di teoria e trascrizione di esercizi per il corso di Complementi di Meccanica classica e termodinamica del primo anno presso la Scuola Normale Superiore
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Raccolta di esercizi e soluzioni per corso di Complementi di matematica - I anno SNS
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Create SNS Topic along with email or sms notification
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Alcune note incomplete e poco utili scritte preparando Qinfo 1
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Checks the aws account alias every 5 min and attempts to change it to the goal_account_alias.
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Vérifie si il y a eu du changement sur les offres de l'ITII
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Appunti per il corso di Sistemi Dinamici del secondo anno SNS