Projects with this topic
Executive Summary Report (ESR)
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A lightweight boilerplate made for easy & fast implementation, built on the CodeIgniter3 framework
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Aplikasi By Name By Address Penerima Bantuan Iuran Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Riau
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mirror of CI2 and CI 3 up to date with php8, php7 and php5
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Este sitio esa hecho con la ayuda de buenas tecnologías como lo son HTML, CSS y Javascript, complementando con Codeigniter, Mysql y claro Bootstrap .
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Este es un proyecto realizado con el framework de Codeigniter en conjunto a Webpack, implementado un TODO, haciendo la peticion a la API de PICMO.
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Interfaz web que registra las retenciones segun una factura (cod) y crea el TXT y XML para el seniat
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Web Application E Learning Dharmagitha
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Electronic invoice manager for panama
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a CI login example using: simple check, database or mail IMAP account
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Elearning NU Jawa Barat
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Codeigniter HMVC based starter kit.
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CodeIgniter 3.1.10 with Modular Extensions - HMVC and Whoops Error Handling Framework
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CodeIgniter 3.1.10 with HMVC, Whoops, AdminLTE
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