Projects with this topic
A balanced dark Neovim theme, blending vivid and pastel colors for a comfortable, high-contrast experience.
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Light and dark theme for vim with bright colors
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A colorful Neovim theme with dark/light modes and adjustable contrast. Supports treesitter and semantic highlighting.
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custom linux config files
🍚 as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist -
a fog descends upon your editor
☁ dark color scheme inspired by the woods for vim and neovimUpdated -
Neovim theme with distinct syntax colours. Supports Tree-sitter and semantic highlighting. For people who love multi-colour syntax highlighting.
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An unofficial Rofi theme in the Catppuccin colorscheme
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18 colours chosen for a calmer programming experience.
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16 bit color scheme for hackers : read code like a wizard 🧙♂️
🔮 ✨ Updated -
a nearly greyscale monochrome with a blue highlight vim colorscheme
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Light and dark theme with bright colors for Emacs that supports GUI and terminal
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A warm red-focused colour scheme.
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Vim / NeoVim theme that is a marriage of Tokyo Night and Nord Theme. And they went on honeymoon to Kyoto I guess. Dark, elegant, and easy on the eyes. Read-only mirror of:
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A module that fills your code with color - a simple CodeView widget for Tkinter
(I wrote it in <2 hours, so expect bugs)
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Here, we try to fit the color scheme for atoms :)
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Colorizrr Server is a stateless server providing REST API and gRPC API for color normalization using - MALL Group Search Lab library color normalizer.
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A light editor theme for Vim and Emacs, inspired by Acme and Leuven
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A 16 colored neovim colorscheme for the linux tty.
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