Projects with this topic
Opinionated template to bootstrap a Symfony application
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Build tools for managing Drupal projects on
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PHP Klasse zur automatischen Formular Erstellung auf Basis eines JSON Schema inkl. Helper Funktionalitäten
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Composer-based Docker image for TYPO3 for my private instance.
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highlight.js in Composer.
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Example repo for the article at
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Um framework seguindo o padrão MVC - model, view e controller. Esse projeto foi desenvolvido seguindo a playlist PHP MVC disponível no YouTube no canal @wdevoficial.
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Contains components for installing/updating dependencies for a PHP Project. Part of a series for a full set of CI/CD Components:
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Generate a GraphViz representation of the dependency graph
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License management plugin for Composer
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Extends the PHP base images, and adds Composer plus zip-ext extension.
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AutoSlugCast is a Laravel package that simplifies the process of generating slugs based on titles and storing them in a specified column of a database table.