Projects with this topic
Validator for info on vax cards for the COVID-19 virus!
Supported Vaccines:
Moderna Janssen (J&J)Updated -
Análisis de publicaciones, grupos, páginas de Facebook para caracterizar mensajes anti-vacunación que buscan ralentizar o limitar el avance de la campaña de vacunación contra el COVID19 en México.
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En apoyo al creador del Tableau
Proyecto de lectura de los archivos diarios reportados como datos abiertos en:
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Python implementation of the simulation model for my master's thesis - Evolutionary Policy Optimization for Infection Spread in Small Communities.
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Documentation of Digitales Wartezimmer
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Daten und Informationen betreffend COVID-19 in Südtirol (Italien).
Dati e informazioni riguardanti COVID-19 in Alto Adige (Italia)
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Arduino-Projekt zum Messen der Luftgüte mittels des MQ-135 Sensors und Anzeige über eine RGB-LED ob Lüften notwendig ist.
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Lists given produnct numbers for given store numbers
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This is a system tray utility for showing App State's COVID statistics. All data is pulled from
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Forken, Sharen, Teilen! Korrekturen gern als Issue vermerken.
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Designed to be a Google Cloud Function that is triggered off a file upload to a Google Cloud Storage bucket and notify a slack channel if certain Covid-19 keywords are detected within the audio.
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Coronavirus storytelling to educate children
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The Rust client to the Covid-19 data provided by the NovelCOVID API. The design tries to follow the Clean Architecture principles.