Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML.
Projects with this topic
Tema Oscuro Transparente para la Extension de navegador Tabliss
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This is my clone of @idotj 's Mastodon timeline project of the same name. It mainly contains CSS customizations to meet the look and feel of my websites, with some slight JavaScript modifications too.
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This is a responsive website for Abika S.r.l. based on bootstrap 4, designed by Pietro Pirino and coded by Fabio Sussarellu.
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Projet universitaire.
Répondre aux besoins de l’association Trisomie 21 Toulouse : Application d’économie de jetons à visée éducative.
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Proyecto personal con información de mis redes sociales que consta de un sitio web estático escrito en html, css con tailwind css y algo de javascript
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A tokenomics app designed for educational purposes.
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Projet universitaire (devoir R301): Application web de gestion d'équipe sportive
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A website with text and image content without any visible source code.
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Repository for all my coding projects that I have done for school
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Library with missing Functional / Atomic CSS classes for Bulma framework. Mirror of source code.
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Project (responsive 3-col layout) for the course "HTML & CSS - Certification Course for Beginners" on Udemy, demo: https://vincenttam.gitlab.io/html-and-css-for-beginners-mini-project
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