Projects with this topic
Examples of Cuda By Example book written by me
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Try to find the maximum heights of the Collatz sequence as quickly as possible in C, Python, and Cuda C
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PHP-CUDA extension PHP extension with CUDA functions PHP CUDA C-extension.
Adding support of executing cuBin modules and kernels on NVIDIA CUDA GPU cards in PHP code.
Enables execution of generated cuBin file on GPU card and processing response.
Part of OpenSource project which has goal to optimize execution of PHP code as fast as possible.
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A GUI based application for generating Photomosaics. Website:
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Build userspace NVMe drivers and storage applications with CUDA support. This is a mirror of
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Computing centrality metrics with the GPU.
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Short exercises for GPU at Complutense University of Madrid
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CUDA i OpenGL, wykres 2d, z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnego OpenGL (shadery) i biblioteki GLFW
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CUDA accelerated orientation histograms for optical flow and image gradients.
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A collection of awesome algorithms, implemented in CUDA.
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CUDA i OpenGL, wykres 2d i mapa kolorów, z wykorzystaniem OpenGL (fixed-pipeline) i biblioteki FreeGLUT