Projects with this topic
This repository provides Shinobi Docker images regulary built from the official Shinobi Docker image repository and microservice Shinobi Docker images.
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Master's Thesis on "Noise Reduction for Interactive Volume Visualization using Volumetric Path Tracing"
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Computing centrality metrics with the GPU.
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Small (C++ & CUDA) project to quickly find the points of intersection between two large sets of finite lines.
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An instructional project to present concepts of parallel programming for C++, Cuda with a Python interface.
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Short exercises for GPU at Complutense University of Madrid
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CUDA i OpenGL, wykres 2d, z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnego OpenGL (shadery) i biblioteki GLFW
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Różne sposoby implementacji operacji SAXPY (Y[i] = a * X[i] + Y[i]) za pomocą biblioteki Thrust (
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CUDA accelerated orientation histograms for optical flow and image gradients.
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A collection of awesome algorithms, implemented in CUDA.
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Dynamic Time Warping Parallelized With CUDA - Cmax calculation. Remember to set big max stack while compiling for big matrices.
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CUDA i OpenGL, wykres 2d i mapa kolorów, z wykorzystaniem OpenGL (fixed-pipeline) i biblioteki FreeGLUT