Projects with this topic
CoNI is a practical R package for the unsupervised integration of numerical omics datasets. The tool is based on partial correlations to identify putative confounding variables for a set of paired dependent variables. CoNI combines two omics datasets in an integrated, complex hypergraph-like network, represented as a weighted undirected graph, a bipartite graph, or a hypergraph structure. These network representations form a basis for multiple further analyses, such as identifying priority candidates of biological importance or comparing network structures dependent on different conditions.
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AnnoMiner web tool allows to integrate in a flexible way epigenetic state, transcription factor occupancy and transcriptomics data to predict transcriptional regulators. AnnoMiner is available at
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Interface gráfica para o IDaS-RL
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IDaS-RL: Integração de Dados em Saúde - Record Linkage.
Fork do Cidacs-RL com adaptações e acréscimo de funcionalidades.
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Repositório-pai que abrange o núcleo do programa IDaS-RL (Core) e a interface gráfica (GUI).
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A university project where we first made some integration and cleaning tasks on datasets from kikstarter. With the datset we obtained from the previous process, we applied some ML models to find out which of them can achieve the best performance.