Projects with this topic
Development of a programme for the characterisation, data standardisation and comprehensive study of the properties of molecules/proteins.
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CoNI is a practical R package for the unsupervised integration of numerical omics datasets. The tool is based on partial correlations to identify putative confounding variables for a set of paired dependent variables. CoNI combines two omics datasets in an integrated, complex hypergraph-like network, represented as a weighted undirected graph, a bipartite graph, or a hypergraph structure. These network representations form a basis for multiple further analyses, such as identifying priority candidates of biological importance or comparing network structures dependent on different conditions.
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SeqExtract searches annotated genomes for keywords and extract corresponding fasta records
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AmpCheck investigates primer/probe - template matching and return amplicon related information.
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RepeatGrower identify repeating k-mers in a genome and grows them until their occurrences decline.
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A computational model of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in diatoms. Part of a study testing the role and mechanism of K+ efflux antiporter 3 (KEA3) in photoprotection of diatoms.
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Spatio-Temporal Antibiotic Resistance Adaptation Simulator
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Some Bioinformatics example about dna, genes and other.
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hiPathia is a methodology for the interpretation of the consequences of the combined changes of gene expression levels and/or genomic mutations in the context of signalling pathways