Projects with this topic
mineXpert2 (of the software collection) is a desktop-oriented program that allows one to visualize mass spectrometric data in their full MS^n depth. Sophisticated mouse-driven mass data integrations are easily performed.
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Данный код создан в среде Processing (версия C++ со специальными надстройками для графики) для тестирования взаимодействия датчика магнитного поля и постоянного магнита с дальнейшим отображением активной зоны датчика в виде цветовой диаграммы.
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Trabajo en que se demuestra el trabajo con imágenes satelitales
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Дашборд, собранный на платформе Redash, представляет обзор основных показателей продаж онлайн магазина.
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More toolkits for matplotlib
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Chartwerk panel for Grafana with multiple types of visualizations.
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Search for patterns in river water samples data
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Modular data visualization framework for React, Angular or vanilla TypeScript
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This repository contains the Tableau project "Analyzing Customer Churn," which is a comprehensive analysis of customer churn in Databel. The project is divided into three parts, each focusing on different aspects of customer churn analysis and visualization.
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This is an interactive data visualization for Dr. John Snow’s map of the 1854 London cholera epidemic using D3 7.8.3 that was created over the course of three days. Can only be run if accessed through a server, as browsers otherwise don’t allow access to the local source data files. Some of the source data has been removed because the source(s)/author(s) couldn't be identified nor copyright permission cleared.
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This project contains the source files I used in a free-lance project for a book reseller.
Python environment setup SQL (mariadb) database configuration setup of a Python-mariadb connector Data enrichment with the seller's local currency value in time. Data analysis with Python [pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn] Brief interpretation of the data is present in the notebook.Updated -
Insurance insights - Comparative study of Countries