Projects with this topic
Personal Jupyter Notebooks with Open Data.
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Data Science Resources
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This work is focused on the prediction of customer departures in telecommunications through data analysis. Departures in telecommunications are a relatively common issue, and if potential customers were detected much earlier, their departure could be prevented in many cases. Our work's mission was to predict such customers' departures by using data analysis and by creating decision models. The eventual model will determine which customers are potentially risky and how big the risk is.
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ES6 d3.js radial stacked bar chart visualization.
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This is part of ResBE project:
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contains Matlab/R scripts used for evaluation and results
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Data Analysis and Visualization
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Machine Learning - Binary Classification
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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A simple trading view application with random data and theme switching feature made with redux.
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This exercise was at the core of my master thesis to study index exclusions. All code is exclusively written in R. Tasks included data set handling, generation, visualisation and statistical analysis.
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2018 Data Science Project
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Are you getting ripped off on rent?
Fall 2017 CS 506 Computational Tools for Data Science Poster session