Projects with this topic
A collection of notebooks about maths, machine learning, and whatever...
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Training project at DataQuest about historical numbers of helicopter assisted prison breaks in different countries.
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Lecture note of Numerical Analysis and Practice
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A data analysis & data visualization tool to study bank statements
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This template provides a structured way to set up a Python project using Jupyter Notebooks on macOS. It follows best practices, including virtual environment management, dependency tracking, and VSCode integration.
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Example Jupyter Book site using GitLab Pages:
Jupyter Book is an open source project for building beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational material.
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Training various machine learning models for NFLX stock price prediction with data collection, cleaning, and visualization tools.
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This project focuses on extracting and visualizing stock data using Python libraries such as yfinance for historical stock prices and web scraping techniques to gather company revenue data. It provides a comprehensive analysis by plotting both stock prices and revenues over time for companies like Tesla and GameStop.
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This project predicts house prices using machine learning models based on the King County House Sales dataset. It explores Simple Linear, Multiple Linear, Polynomial, and Ridge Regression models, comparing their performance in terms of accuracy. The best model identified is Polynomial Regression, achieving an R² score of 0.75.
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Python para el procesamiento de señales.
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A Word Clock based on the ESP8266 platform, containing football-related information.
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Python notebooks for teaching basic Machine Learning
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Routing Algorithm using Breadth First Search, Traveling Salesman Combinatorial Optimization using Metaheuristic Algorithm
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If you build an infinite grid of electrical resistors, the resulting resistance between two digaonal grid points is 2/Pi Ohm. But Why?