Projects with this topic
Neo4j is the world’s leading Graph Database. It is a high-performance graph store with all the features expected of a mature and robust database, like a friendly query language and ACID transactions.
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The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, ...
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Jive is a standalone JAVA application designed to browse and edit the static TANGO database.
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The Enum Converter Generator is a Java Annotation Processor, which generates AttributeConverters from annotated Enum classes.
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NodeJS / TypeScript project. Database REST Interfaces Generator is a microservice-oriented ExpressJS server generator based on OpenAPI definitions using Knex/Objective integration to allow complex and flexible DB persistence and querying over supported database vendors of choice
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Generate metamodel attribute for the fields of a nitrite db collection
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Forum Management System with Spring MVC
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Photo Contest project with Spring MVC
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My University Assignments etc
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base de datos para pc con hibernate y java
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Enables you to use SQLite format as serialized representation of tabular data. Can be used with SQLite in WASM
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Photo Contest project with Spring MVC
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A Java library designed to make creating, scaling, and managing your SQL databases easier for the developer
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DBAccess is an extension is an extension of Doframe that allow you to access Database by an instance directly .
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Code of a basic desktop application in Java: GUI, data recording in a DB...
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spl ,数据库语言,语法有点像 scala 的集合使用的语法。
esProc SPL is a scripting language for data processing, with well-designed rich library functions and powerful syntax, which can be executed in a Java program through JDBC interface and computing independently.
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Orders management using reflection for private access into the data base, using MySQL