Projects with this topic
The Enum Converter Generator is a Java Annotation Processor, which generates AttributeConverters from annotated Enum classes.
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Introduction to Hibernate ORM using Spring Boot framework.
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Projeto das práticas da disciplina Programação para Web II do curso de CST em Sistemas para a Internet do IFPB.
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Projeto criado para estudar e mensurar a performance de persistência em banco de dados O principal objetivo é fazer um Benchmark entre os tipos de persistência, abaixo temos os métodos abordados de persistência. JDBC / Hiberte + JPA / Spring Boot Data
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Ledger posting micro service application with Java, Springboot and Kafka.
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Api Rest Hospital desarrollado en Java con Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, MySQL, Swagger, Lombok.
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Training project with Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA and QueryDSL
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thist project has three branch with no itend of mergeing. Evry branch represent different way of configuration of DataSource and Jdbc Driver
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[JAVA] 자동차 금융 상담(CRUD 구현) API
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Proyecto de control policial de detenciones para entidades bancarias, adaptado y desarrollado con SpringMVC y Hibernate (Frameworks, java), una base de datos relacional y con todas operaciones CRUD funcionando hasta con condicionales.
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Gestor is created in order to support the running of the school.
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Java Spring Boot API Project for exploring Spring Boot
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Gestor is created in order to support the running of the school.
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Backend for technical test of Condor Labs Company.