Projects with this topic
This repository contains the Implementation of dynamic security scanning using OWASP ZAP in continuous integration and deployment of web applications. The implementation was realised for an engineering thesis defended in 2024.
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Foundation and solidifying my knowledge in JavaScript.
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An example for configuring the provenance checker Macaron. It provides a configuration model for configuration and code generation based on Epsilon. It is intended to show the applicability of MDE/DevOps to Software Engineering Research and prototyping.
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Опубликованный докер-образ:
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This repository contains the Implementation of dynamic security scanning using OWASP ZAP in continuous integration and deployment of web applications. The implementation was realised for an engineering thesis defended in 2024.
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Step-by-step instructions to set up a redundant pair of Apache2 web servers for continuous deployment using secure webhooks. Beginner friendly!
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PSU is a CLI client for Portainer (Bash version)
Docker images:
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This CI/CD pipeline automates the process of deploying code from a GitHub repository to a web server. Follow the steps below for installation, usage, and contributing to enhance the pipeline.
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A DevOps project template for Elixir's Phoenix Web Framework with Kubernetes
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A container that allows to execute model-driven workflows in Epsilon using Eclipse Antrunner in Gitlab.
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symbla symBase-ng platform monorepo
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A Go based tool to extract metadata for Gitlab. Inspired by Docker Metadata Action
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Guiás de instalación y configuacion de servidores y servicios en un Data Center basados en tecnologias open source y software libre.