Projects with this topic
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The Docker PaaS you've been looking for.
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A minimalistic Docker Swarm base setup featuring ready-to-use Portainer container management, Prometheus/Grafana monitoring and Traefik with Let's Encrypt as ingress proxy on Ubuntu Linux systems.
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Local Config for a wordpress deploy on a Docker Swarm Cluster
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Deploy alfresco ged on Docker Swarm cluster ausing Ansible + Gitlab CI/CD
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🧹 This ansible role permits to easily remove docker stack's configs and secrets.
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Docker backup tool for named Volumes.
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Docker Stack para a execução do Sistema Eletrônico de Informações (SEI) em containers.
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The meta-repository of Eloquentlog components,
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Repositorio para estudos e criação de um cluster docker-swarm
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Install Docker via ansible!