Projects with this topic
ATM задачка. Выполнено в 3 версиях: самые простые услвоия, полный перебор, динамическим программированием.
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This project adopts Reinforcement Learning to solve a variant of the stochastic VRP, where customers are highly variable, demands are stochastic, and vehicles have a duration limit.
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The project finds the best spots for restaurants, avoiding placing restaurants too close together, and maximizing profit while keeping them a minimum distance apart. It uses dynamic programming to compute revenue and backtracking to select sites.
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Study of execution time of differents algorithms to solve the knapsack problem, in differents instances of the problem created with a generator of knapsack problem.
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Source code of the model Chevalier et al (2020) Am Nat
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This package is an attempt to make it easy to render paragraphs to a PIL Image in Python, with excellent line-breaking via the Knuth-Plass algorithm (commonly known as the TeX/LaTeX line-breaking algorithm). A simple greedy wrapping algorithm is available as a fallback. Console/text output is supported as well as PIL output.
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Python dice probability package.
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Solving the subset sum problem (SSP) via dynamic programming
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This project is meant to master Dynamic Programming, by breaking it down into a collection of simpler subproblems, solving each of those subproblems just once, and storing their solutions using a memory-based data structure.
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Gutenberg is a pipeline for training a neural network in segmenting and recognising frequent words in early printed books, in particular we focus on Gutenberg’s Bible.
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Algorithms and Data Structure Implemented in C++
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