Projects with this topic
Neutron Spectrum Unfolding via GRAVEL
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Hbox is a commandline-terminal sokoban solver written in Ada. It is "generic" in the sense that it contains no domain specific strategies. It also provides a demonstration of the advantage in using the Hungarian Algorithm, for Windows, OSX, & linux.
* no installation * no dependencies * simply unzip in your Downloads directory, and run.Updated -
Reverse Polish Notation visualization
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ATM задачка. Выполнено в 3 версиях: самые простые услвоия, полный перебор, динамическим программированием.
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This project/library contains common algorithms...
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Segmenting static scene from a Visionary-T point cloud Topics: #algorithm #point-cloud #sample #sick-appspace
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Este proyecto es un programa que encuentra las soluciones de laberintos de area NxN utilizando el algoritmo de busqueda informada A* creado para el curso de Inteligencia Artifical de la carrera Ingenieria Civil Informatica de la Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepción
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A command line interface for discretionary traders / manual - hybrid trading with a powerful order design system for Binance + FTX. For manual traders who prefer a keyboard over using a mouse. Mostly to gain a speed advantage over everyone else.
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Small C++ helpers that come in handy every now and then.
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The aim of N-Queens Problem is to place N queens on an N x N chessboard, in a way so that no queen is in conflict with the others.
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Algorithms and more in modern C++. These algorithms are all being unit tested.
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Personal notes for Grokking Algorithm book by Aditya Bhargava
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Реализация продвинутиых алгоритмов и связанных с ними графов.
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LLAMI (Lion Launch Analytics Metrics Insights) is a tool for automatic collection, processing, and analysis of rocket launch data. This project provides accurate data and detailed analysis of launches for availability and use by the general public, space enthusiasts, and engineering students. This enables the creation of custom statistics, 3D models, and other educational and research projects.
Note: Our team is continuously improving and expanding the functionalities of LLAMI to offer even more tools and value to our sexy users.
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The project finds the best spots for restaurants, avoiding placing restaurants too close together, and maximizing profit while keeping them a minimum distance apart. It uses dynamic programming to compute revenue and backtracking to select sites.
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Create Sudoku puzzles with a unique solution using the backtracking algorithm
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Demonstrating image stitching in a static scene using several 2D cameras. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #stitching #sample #sick-appspace
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Demonstrating image stitching without knowledge about geometries with one or multiple image sources. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #stitching #sample #sick-appspace
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Demonstrating image stitching in a scene with known geometry and motion. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #stitching #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying particle filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace