Projects with this topic
A bot to get fun with encryption algorithms.
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Properate! is a game made for students to learn while having fun. It can be played in teams or small groups – locally or online.
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Memoria is a simple application to play Memory (Matching) for up to four players.
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A Tour of Go as Org-babel source blocks
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Ultimate Menu Is A Menu Script That Have Great Unlocks / Heists Editor And Money Options That Support Both Kiddions Modest Menu & YimMenu
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A Python script to calculate the average grade and corresponding GPA from a dictionary of course credit points and grades. The program processes course grades based on their credit weights and returns both the average percentage and the GPA scaled to 4.0.
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Education-friendly RISC-V based system emulator
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Welcome to the repository for the Educational Modular Robot project.
🚀 This open-source platform provides all necessary resources for exploring robotics and advanced educational topics. The repository includes design files, source code, and schematics for a versatile robot designed to facilitate hands-on learning across disciplines such as mathematics, physics, programming, artificial intelligence, and electronics. Our modular design allows for extensive customization and expansion, making it an ideal tool for educators and students to engage with complex concepts and enhance their learning experience.Updated -
[mature] Commands providing a simplified well-structured interface to part of GNU/Linux
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Учебно-методические материалы, предназначенные для использования в школьных кружках, колледжах и образовательных центрах при организации учебных курсов по дизайну интерфейса пользователя мобильных приложений с применением технологии Qt Quick и языка QML. В том числе для операционной системы Аврора и других мобильных ОС.
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Vocabulary Football is a simple application to play vocabulary football in class.
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Education about the source of life, life as a code, or how to script own future with the own will by understanding the technologies.
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Natural Language Understanding for math symbols, digits, and words with a Gradio user interface and REST API.
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A library of blog posts and tutorials. Part of the End-to-End Machine Learning School at
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Projet réalisé dans le cadre de l'UE - Analyse de données médicales et Deep Learning
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Projet réalisé dans le cadre de l'UE - Calculs parallèles et Programmation GPU, visant le retraitement des données de DNAse-seq produites par Gomez-Cabrero et al. en 2019 ( avec une approche de calcul parallèle sous serveur HPC.
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Projet réalisé dans le cadre de l'UE - Calculs parallèles et Programmation GPU, visant le retraitement des données de DNAse-seq produites par Gomez-Cabrero et al. en 2019 ( avec une approche snakemake sous serveur HPC.
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